The House Ways and Means Committee released its FY19 budget on Wednesday, April 11. Today, Friday, April 13, is the deadline for filing Amendments. Please contact your legislator to advocate for co-sponsorship of key housing amendments outlined in CHAPA’s materials below (thank you, CHAPA!). You can find your legislator here.
FY19 Budget Priorities
FY19 House Amendments
Additionally, the Secure Jobs program was funded in HWM at $500,000 and our Western MA Representative Joseph Wagner has filed an Amendment (4400-1020) to restore funding to $1 million. Please thank Rep. Wagner at [email protected] and ask your Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor.
Finally, Representative John Scibak has filed an Amendment (7004-0102) to continue funding the Network itself at $125,000. Representative Scibak adopted this priority from the late Representative Kocot in honor of him and his leadership on the Network’s continuity. On behalf of the entire Network, I know we all deeply appreciate Representative Scibak’s honor of Representative Kocot’s memory and their shared commitment to ending homelessness in Western Massachusetts. Please thank Rep. Scibak at [email protected] and ask your Representative to support this Amendment as well.