From our partners at EMPath (Note: housing stability depends on resources like this one):

Dear Friend,

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has reopened the public comment period for the proposed rule change to categorical eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). New data shows that nearly one million children could lose their free school lunch as a result of this proposed rule change.As you know, the Trump Administration proposed a rule that would take away SNAP benefits from millions of children, seniors and hard-working individuals.The proposed rule guts broad-based categorical eligibility.

SNAP is one of our nation’s most effective anti-poverty programs. In 2018, it helped more than 38 million people in the United States access critical food benefits. This proposed rule will result in even more children and their families going hungry.Click here and visit for more information on how the proposed rule harms children, working families and vulnerable individuals.Click here to share your personal story with EMPath
Click here to submit a PERSONALIZED comment on the proposed rule!

Take action to protect access to free school lunch AND SNAP for millions including children! Deadline to submit comments is now
Friday, November 1.

If you have not submitted a comment yet, use the button above to tell the Administration why free school lunch AND SNAP is important to you and why this stricter rule would be harmful. Personalize your comments as the Administration must read and record every unique comment they receive!

Thank you for your support.
 If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea Sedani at [email protected] or 617-259-2936.

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