In partnership with the Lift our Kids Coalition, we offer this update and action alert:

On January 8, Governor Healey announced 9C budget cuts that include eliminating the 10% cash assistance grant that the Lift Our Kids Coalition fought so hard for in the FY24 budget and was slated to take effect in April.  

As the Coalition states: “it is devastating that the Governor would choose to balance the budget on the backs of our lowest-income children and families, elders, and people with disabilities.”

Join the statewide push to stop these cuts:

  • Click here to send an e-mail or
  • Call the Governor’s office:  (888) 870-7770

Suggested script:  “This is [name] from [city/town].  I’m calling to urge the Governor to rescind the 9C cuts to the TAFDC and EAEDC cash assistance programs.  The grant amounts are still far below even half of the federal poverty level.  It is unconscionable for Massachusetts to fill gaps in the budget by cutting cash assistance for our lowest income families with children, elders, and people with disabilities.”

FYI: Cash assistance grants remain far below half the federal poverty level, known as “Deep Poverty”, which is $1075/month for a family of 3.  The maximum grant for a family of 3 right now is only $783/month.  There is no quarter for cuts!

Your voice will make a difference – let’s use it!

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