Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association invites its members and other interested residents to obtain the latest information on state and federal housing policy changes and to make suggestions for CHAPA’s priorities in 2011 and beyond.  We encourage participation from the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Key topics will include:  state budget priorities; pending state legislation; responses to the foreclosure crisis; homelessness prevention; Community Preservation Act; preservation of expiring use properties; Chapter 40B; public housing revitalization; and other pressing issues.

Pittsfield:  Tuesday, May 18, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Berkshire Housing Development Corp., 74 North Street

Springfield:  Tuesday, May 18, 2:00-3:30 p.m., HAPHousing, 322 Main Street

All meetings will include continental breakfast or refreshments.  Please RSVP online at or email at least five days prior to the meeting you plan to attend.   For more information, contact 617-742-0820.

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