Please come to this Workshop on Housing Development on Tuesday, October 29 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Pioneer Valley Planning Commission.  The workshop is titled: “Local Tools and Techniques for Housing That Works for the Pioneer Valley” and seeks to enhance our understanding of how to overcome some of our main development challenges.

DHCD Deputy Undersecretary Arthur Jemison will begin the workshop with a discussion of what the Commonwealth’s ambitious goal of generating 10,000 multi-family housing units a year means for the Pioneer Valley. The second part of the workshop will focus on two of the biggest challenges to housing production in our region (besides the weak market conundrum of many of our cities), which are physical development constraints and public opposition to denser development.  Beals & Thomas, Inc. President George Preble, PE, LSP and planner Angus Jennings, AICP are currently scheduled to lead this half of the workshop.

The workshop is being run through the CPTC organization, and therefore costs $30, but PVPC is providing a free lunch, starting at 12:00.  Click here for registration details.

I hope to see you there!



Jayne Bernhard-Armington, AICP

Senior Planner

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

Office: (413) 781-6045 ext. 357

[email protected]

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