Homes for Families asked that the Network send out this request for organizations to sign on to a letter they and other advocates will be delivering to Senator Brown next week. You can read the letter here. It asks Senator Brown to prioritize the following items:
– $2.4 billion for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants Program (i.e. The HEARTH Act)
– 200,000 new incremental Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
– 10,000 new HUD – Veterans Assistance Supportive Housing units (HUD-VASH)
If your organization would like to be a signer, please send an email to Jeffrey Naylor at [email protected] and provide the organization’s name and the name of your executive director or board chair.
Please feel free to contact Jeffrey with any questions at his email address or 617-227-4188.
Thank you!