A message from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition:

As you know, earlier this year, Congress cut housing counseling funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of the budget deal. These funds provide critical foreclosure prevention counseling, as well as counseling and education for first time homebuyers, seniors and others.

NCRC has been working with national housing counseling intermediaries and housing counseling agencies across the country to get these funds restored. Less than a week ago, we launched a petition on Change.org to tell Congress to restore the funds for FY 2012.

In that short time, over 1,000 people have already signed the petition. Over 140 people have left comments, many of them very compelling. If you have not, please take a moment to sign the petition and send to your networks. Now is a critical time because Congressional appropriators are in active negotiation for next year’s budget.

You can sign the petition here: http://www.change.org/petitions/tell-congress-restore-housing-counseling-to-keep-people-in-their-homes



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