Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 4/28/11
In attendance: Father Stan Aksamit, Our Lady of Peace Parish, Dave Christopolis, Hilltown Community Development Corporation, Joanne Glier, Franklin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Peg Keller, Tri-County CoC, Gerry McCafferty, City of Springfield, Pamela Schwartz, network coordinator, Liz Sullivan, concerned citizen, Lynne Wallace, Dietz&Co. Architects
Process for Responding to Requests for Network Legislative Endorsements
To be vetted and determined by Steering Committee. Criteria: does it serve our mission? If research required, management team or others could assist. Timeline for response to be determined by coordinator based on circumstances.
On MCH youth task force: endorse but follow-up with questions. Pursue visits from MCH in the future.
Process for Responding to Requests for Network Letters of Support
Agreed we need to establish criteria. Governance committee will follow-up (Liz will initiate). Overarching concern: prevent fueling competition, support collaboration. Note importance/possible criteria for lead time.
Unanimous agreement on management team: chair, vice chair, 3 CoCs; network coordinator: staff
Discussion: Revisit community engagement – merged into LC? Create finance committee? Create fundraising committee?
Governance committee will meet and will review functional and programmatic needs of the network. Will report back by next steering committee meeting on 5/17.
Job descriptions
Pamela provided initial thoughts on her job description; discussion continued without Pamela. Committee will report back to all at next meeting.
Next meeting: 5/17 at 1 pm, DMH Haskell, Northampton