Please join this effort led by the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless:
Please join us next Tuesday, February 14th for our “Have a Heart: Help End Unaccompanied Youth Homelessness” call-in day to the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means (“House Ways and Means”)! We are asking you to take a few minutes on Valentine’s Day to call House Ways and Means to express your strong support for House Bill 3838: An Act Providing Housing and Support Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth.
As you know, the Coalition has been leading the advocacy efforts to pass House Bill 3838 (formerly House Bill 1862). If passed, this bill would provide funding for housing and services for unaccompanied youth who are experiencing homelessness and also would create a special commission to examine unaccompanied youth homelessness and make recommendations for actions to end youth homelessness. (We also are working to get the special commission language included in the upcoming fiscal year 2013 budget.)
Over the past year, we have been working closely with the bill’s sponsors, Representative Jim O’Day and Representative Kay Khan, other key legislative allies such as Senator Katherine Clark and Senator Michael Rodrigues, members of the Administration, youth, providers, advocates, and other supporters to move the bill forward.
We are very excited that the bill was referred to House Ways and Means in December, and now are eager to do all we can so that the Committee can report out the bill favorably. You can help ensure that this happens by calling House Ways and Means at 617-722-2380 on Valentine’s Day to express your strong support for House Bill 3838!
A sample script is below.
After making your call, please let us know that you participated in the action by sending us an email to [email protected]or calling 781-595-7570 x17.
Thank you for your solidarity!
Kelly Turley
[email protected]
781-595-7570 x17
Have a Heart:
Help End Unaccompanied Youth Homelessness!
Please call House Ways and Means at 617-722-2380 anytime during the day on Tuesday, February 14th to express your strong support for House Bill 3838. House Ways and Means is led by Chairman Brian Dempsey of Haverhill (office number: 617-722-2990). To see if your Representative is on the House Ways and Means Committee, please click here. If so, please contact your Representative as well.
Here is a sample script to help you with your calls:
“Hi, my name is ______________________. * I am calling to strongly urge Chairman Dempsey and the House Ways and Means Committee to give a favorable report to House Bill 3838, An Act Providing Housing and Support Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth.
It is vital for House Ways and Means to swiftly pass House Bill 3838 because:
Now is the time for the Commonwealth to take action to end unaccompanied youth homelessness. House Bill 3838 will provide a much needed investment of time and resources to move towards this goal. Thank you!” (*If you do live or work in the district of Chairman Dempsey or another member of the House Ways and Means Committee, be sure to mention that when you call.) |