The demand for our Career Services Workshop for Providers Serving People at Risk or Experiencing Homelessness outstripped our space at CareerPoint (planned for 35, RSVP’s for 60!), so we scrambled and found space at the Kittredge Center at Holyoke Community College. The only catch is we had to move the workshop up by an hour (from 2-4 pm to 1-3 pm) in order to obtain it.
This training is now taking place on:
Wednesday, November 15
1 pm – 3 pm
Kittredge Center, Rooms 301/303
Holyoke Community College
Use Parking Lot E (or another one near by).
If you’re deciding last minute to attend, just email Pamela Schwartz at [email protected].  There is space for you!
Thank you!

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