Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance (MHSA) continues to provide a forum for discussing the crisis of COVID-19, cold and lack of sufficient shelter. They offer these observations below:

Winter is approaching, and the shelter capacity crisis, rising unsheltered homelessness, and the lack of sufficient permanent supportive housing pose a danger to the health and safety of people experiencing homelessness and our entire communities.

To learn more, see Lynn Jolicoeur’s WBUR piece on shelter capacity and the recordings for MHSA’s two most recent webinars – The Growing Crisis of Unsheltered Homelessness and our 2020 MHSA Member Retreat Session with Senate Ways & Means Chair Michael Rodrigues.

These discussions highlight the challenges ahead and remind us that now is the time to act.

Advocacy continues. Please stay tuned for further action alerts on how you can get your voice heard.

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