A quick update on Senate budget amendments to let you know the good news that our Western MA Senators have filed three amendments on the Network’s top priorities:
- Senator Eric Lesser has filed an amendment to fund the Local Consortiums (prevention funds) at $1 million. Please email/call to send him your thanks at: 413-526-6501, [email protected]
- Senator Jim Welch has filed an amendment to increase funding to the Tenancy Preservation Program by $500,000 (to $1 million, up from Senate Ways and Means proposal of $500,000 and House Budget of $750,000). Please contact him at:413-737-7756, [email protected]
- Senator Adam Hinds has filed an amendment to renew funding for Berkshire emergency shelter. His contact info:413-344-4561, [email protected]
- Please also contact Senator Don Humason to encourage his co-sponsorship of these amendments at 413-568-1366, [email protected];
- And please contact Senate President Stan Rosenberg to express your thanks for his leadership and request his support for these amendments: 413-584-1649, [email protected]
When you call, ask that each Senator co-sponsor all 3 amendments as a show of solidarity and collaboration across the region, something I know they are actively considering. Add your voice to their consideration!
Your 10 minutes on this will make a big difference! The Senate Budget will be debated as of Tuesday of next week and will be voted upon by the end of the week. Now is the time to contact these senators (either as a constituent or as a provider of homelessness services in the region, both count!).
Thanks for your engagement!