Individual Services Committee Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2018
In Attendance: Tanisha Arena, Fenway Health VRP, Steve Connor, Central Hampshire Veterans Services, Nichole King, FOH/CSO, Charlie Knight, Rainville/former consumer, Jay Levy, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, Jen Lucca, Samaratin Inn, Gerry McCafferty, City of Springfield, Bill Miller, FOH/CSO, Digno Ortiz, FOH/CSO, Rosemary Pelletier, YWCA of Western MA, Christina Ruest, Keith Rhone, FOH/CSO, Denise Rivera, FOH/CSO, Stephanie Tonelli, FOH/CSO, Delphine Wray, FOH/CSO
Three County CoC Update:
- Conducted Point in Time Count last week (one week earlier than Hampden).
- Coordinated Entry launched last week – 1-888 number – 1-888-413-@MAS (9627). This phone number offers resource referrals and access to transportation. Soldier On is staffing the number; it is available to all.
Coordinated entry meetings are now underway (all providers are welcome):
Berkshire County: Barton’s Crossing, Wednesdays, 2-3:30 pm, 141 North Street, Pittsfield
Franklin County: Franklin Drop-In, Tuesdays, 1-2:30 pm, 60 Wells Street Greenfield
Hampshire County: Hampshire Drop-In, Mondays, 1-2:30 pm, 43 Center St, Northampton
Hampden County CoC:
- PIT count happened last night; preliminary data out next week.
- By-name list – last year at end of Jan had 97 individuals on it; now in high 60’s, (several left the area or are inactive)
- New data warehouse allows providers beyond CoC funded recipients – e.g., hospitals, jails – to enter VI-SPDATs, while automatically linking to HMIS record. Soon, the system will allow the list to be updated as changes are made through a given month and will automatically incorporate HMIS record changes as they are uploaded.
- The CoC board is meeting tomorrow and will vote on a couple of changes to the coordinated entry system, including making rapid re-housing funds available to those up to 50% of median income and changing the referral system so those with high VI-SPDAT scores are not referred to RRH (not a good match).
- City of Springfield is putting out notice of funding opportunities through ESG and HOPWA.
- CoC team is continuing to attend Build for Zero learning sessions to advance the work of ending chronic and veteran homelessness
- HUD FEMA numbers: Hampden County has 238 households in motels (substantially more are doubled up); all housing authority applicants are given priority based on displacement by disaster.
Network earmark funding update: Pamela reported the good news that the Network’s FY18 earmark actually was released. The Network Steering Committee agreed to allocate the $125K in funds to direct assistance to fill some of the gaps resulting from the cut in youth funding and Consortium (prevention) funds. The agencies funded – Gandara and Catholic Charities in Hampden County and Community Action, DIAL/SELF and Berkshire Regional Housing Authority in 3 County – are all those that previously administered these funds and have existing staff to distribute these new monies.
Update from Tanisha Arena of Fenway Health: Tanisha works as an advocate for Fenway Health’s violence recover program, based in Springfield out of the Out Now office, and offers counseling and advocacy to LGBTQ victims of violence. You can reach Tanisha at: [email protected].
Network evaluation update: Pamela reminded everyone that there is a general network meeting to discuss its future on Monday, 2/12, 1 pm at HCC, Kittredge Center. We had a brief discussion to elicit more feedback now and we heard the following from people around the table:
- updates and information sharing are useful
- helps with isolation when working on one’s own in a shelter setting
- concerned about ensuring clarity and outcomes for the meeting – who should be at the table and why
- more detailed agenda to assess utility of attending would be useful
- appreciates quick and easy view of big picture on homelessness
Pamela will send out interview questions again to invite additional feedback.
Next meeting: in Northampton; will revisit date due to conflict with first Thursday in March. Please stay tuned.