Veterans Committee Meeting Minutes – 5/2/18
In attendance: Beth Barbra, Veterans Inc, Craig Deraway, Soldier On, Janice Humason, FOH, Gerry McCafferty, City of Springfield, Pamela Schwartz, Network, Jim Seeney, VA, Dennis Sheehan, FOH, Stephanie Tonelli, FOH
Homelessness Resource Fair Planning: The Network’s second annual Homelessness Resource Fair for providers is happening on Thurs., June 14, 9:30 am – 12 pm Email Pamela Schwartz at [email protected] if you plan to attend and/or if your organization wants table space.
Pamela reported out that individual service providers had a conference call to plan their workshop on chronically homeless individuals. Janice Humason of FOH and Erin Forbush of ServiceNet will continue to talk to coordinate a joint presentation across the region. Gerry will complete the hand-out for coordinated entry information for distribution.
Holyoke Outreach: Gerry reported on the meeting with the city of Holyoke staff, Tapestry, Viability, Eliot Services to discuss the new supportive housing units available through CoC funding (administered by Viability). Good exchange around identifying individuals who should be on the list and are already being served by more than one agency.
Non-VA eligible VASH and MRVP Update: The effort continues to connect with the Northampton Housing Authority to discuss the use of 13 VASH vouchers for non-VA eligible veterans (specifically the capacity to enter into support service agreements with agencies other than Soldier On). Hampden County will have roughly 8 vouchers to utilize for this population. Conversation also continues on the state level to obtain roughly 5 MRVP’s for this population as well. The hope is that with these vouchers Hampden County can declare “functional zero” for veteran homelessness by end of summer, early fall. Pressure is on!
Built for Zero: Gerry reported that at the last individual services meeting, it was decided to continue to participate in the national learning community (it requires a CoC contribution now) and make the opportunity to participate in the learning sessions available to all interested (on a first come, first serve basis). The next one is the end of June in Detroit. Contact Gerry if interested.
Next meeting: Wednesday, May 6, 2 pm, FOH.