On Tuesday, May 17, the Senate Ways and Means (SWM) Committee released its FY17 state budget.    Click here for a breakdown of how the Network’s FY17 budget priorities fared in the Senate Ways and Means proposal.

Per the Network’s top priorities (click here to review), the Network is focused on seeking Senate co-sponsors for two amendments (the deadline for filing amendments – and determining co-sponsorship – is TODAY (Thurs., 5/19) at 5 pm.).  Please contact your senator to request their co-sponsorship of:

  1.  Senator Michael Barrett’s amendment to Secure Jobs (line item 7004-9322) to fund Secure Jobs at $2 million (currently funded at $750,000 in SWM budget)Contact Rose Hunter, Senator Barrett’s chief of staff, at 617-722-1572 or [email protected] to co-sponsor.
  2. Senator Linda Dorcena Forry’s amendment to increase funding to individual emergency shelters (line item 7004-0102) by $5.5 million (the SWM budget offers no additional funding).  Contact 617-722-1150 or [email protected]

If your Senator is Senate President Rosenberg, while he does not co-sponsor amendments, his support is vital.  Please contact him to express your request of his support on these items.

To confirm your Senator and his/her contact information, please go to: http://malegislature.gov.

Thanks for your advocacy!


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