Individual Services Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2017
In attendance: Jesus Arce, City of Springfield, Sam Cunningham, ServiceNet, Sarah Hills, Eliot Homeless Services, Peg Keller, City of Northampton, Jay Levy, Eliot CHS-Homeless Services, Donna Nadeau, DHCD, Pamela Schwartz, Network, Rachel Weiss, Craig’s Doors, Lynn White, Viability

Update on Coordinated Entry 
  • 1-800 number:  Jay shared an update regarding the nearing release of the 3 County CoC’s coordinated 1-800 number to provide resource and referral information to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.  Soldier On is administering the calling center (building off of their veterans hotline).  It will be open Monday through Friday, exact hours still to be determined.  Eliot Services and others are involved in training the staff.
  • Jay also reported that the coordinated entry assessment tool (an adapted version of the AZ Matrix tool) will soon be launched.  They are waiting on DHCD to integrate this tool into the HMIS system (suggested by November 1).  This will make data entry and implementation of a prioritization list more immediately doable.
Program updates
ServiceNet: Sam reported that cot shelter is almost fully staffed and ready to go (looking for bi-lingual staff person).  Trainings are underway around opioid awareness, Narcan, de-escalation, etc. A new doctor from Health Care for the Homeless is now on board.  Sam also noted that 173 people used the resource center this past summer, down from 207 last summer.
Peg noted from Northampton’s Next Step meeting that Eliot Services identified 25-30 unsheltered individuals in Northampton, more than ever before.  She also noted that the Easthampton overflow shelter is on track for opening on time.
Craig’s Doors:  Rachel reported that she and Jade are now co-executive directors with Rebekah Wilder’s departure.  It’s all systems go as they prepare for shelter opening on November 1. There are 3 managers this year, 2 with previous experience at the shelter. They are also incorporating extensive training as noted above and developing policies and procedures. Assuming traffic at the new Resource Center will pick up once the shelter is open.  They are also exploring developing overflow space at area churches.
Data Review:
We reviewed the 3 County CoC’s 2017 Annual Report and Point in Time Count Report, both required submissions by HUD.
Some discussion points:
  • Noted the increase in the unsheltered count, which Jay attributed to both better outreach and identification and the impact of the opioid crisis.
  • Under housing inventory, it was recorded that there was an increase in rapid re-housing beds of 100.  We agreed to follow-up with the CoC on this number since there is a lack of clarity around where those units came from (who is funded) and where they are located.
  • Winter shelter beds were also pulled out as a data point and we agreed to follow-up to better understand that as a measure (is that HUD’s?).
  • Interesting to see data around increase in job and income growth.
The group agreed that reviewing this data and better understanding what is submitted to HUD is useful to connect to both the goal of quality data collection and the underlying goal of ending homelessness.  We will continue the discussion at the next 3 County meeting.
Next meetings:
11/2, 10:30-noon, Springfield
12/7, 10:30-noon, Northampton – note: we agreed to permanently shift the meeting time in Northampton to 10:30-noon

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