A Community Forum on Homelessness in Amherst
Homelessness continues to be a very significant concern in Amherst. Recent news reports, as well as informal conversations, indicate that individuals who are homeless have difficulty finding a safe and appropriate place to be at night now that Craig’s Place has closed. Furthermore, they experience other difficulties during the day, as well. While there is discussion among small groups and among individuals, there is no place to discuss what persons who are homeless need and how best to assure that appropriate resources are available within our community.
In collaboration with the Town of Amherst and the Amherst Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, the Amherst Housing and Sheltering Committee is sponsoring a community forum on homelessness. Our goals are to develop a broadly shared understanding of the scope of homelessness in our community right now and then develop a sound and coordinated strategy on how to address current issues. Part of this discussion includes how Amherst fits into the region and neighboring communities to better understand context and available resources and opportunities.
Thursday, July 14, 6:45-9 P.M.
Town Room, Amherst Town Hall
Homelessness Forum will be held on Thursday, July 14, from 6:45-9 P.M. in the Town Room of Amherst Town Hall. Our plan is to divide the available time into two parts:
- Part 1: Review and discussion of issues and concerns regarding homelessness in Amherst and currently available services and supports, and including; the services and supports that are currently available to them, and
- Part 2: Discussion of what we should do as a community to address the issues and problems raised in the first part.
We invite the perspectives of individuals who are homeless, as well as the larger Amherst community.
The sponsors wish to encourage the broadest possible participation in this Forum on Homelessness in Amherst. This invitation was also sent to other individuals and organizations in Amherst. However, we probably did not include everyone we should have. So please forward this to anyone you know who might be interested, even if that results in some duplication. Please click here for a flyer for distribution. Thank you for your assistance.
Please respond to John Hornik ([email protected]) at your earliest convenience.
Nancy Gregg and John Hornik
For the Amherst Housing and Sheltering Committee