Please read below about this important opportunity to learn about MassHealth’s Flexible Service Program, a new resource for people experiencing homelessness. There is a call-in option.
Flexible Services Informational Meeting Announcement
MassHealth will be hosting an informational meeting on the Flexible Services Program on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM in Boston, MA or via phone. This new program will allow Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to pay for services within the domains of nutrition and housing supports, including for example:
- Pre-tenancy (e.g., assisting members with obtaining and completing housing applications; transitional assistance including one-time household set up costs and first/last month’s rent)
- Tenancy Sustaining (e.g., assisting members with communicating with landlords; obtaining adaptive skills needed to live independently in the community)
- Home Modifications needed to ensure member’s health and safety (e.g., installation of grab bars and hand showers; doorway modifications; in-home environmental risk assessments)
- Nutrition (e.g., home-delivered meals for members; assisting members with obtaining nutritional benefits and entitlements such as SNAP and WIC)
The meeting will be geared towards Social Service Organization (SSOs) that may potentially contract with ACOs to provide Flexible Services, although other stakeholders are welcome to attend. Please share widely within your own network of SSOs.
All are welcome to attend in person or via phone (due to phone option, please send only one representative per organization in person). Please RSVP to the FS Program mailbox ([email protected]) to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions about this meeting, please direct them to [email protected].
Meeting Information:
- Date: Tuesday, 2/5 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM
- Location: 1 Ashburton Pl, 21st Floor Rm 1, 2 & 3; Boston, MA
- Conference Line: 1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 846 221 583
- Webinar Link: