Community Consortium Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2014

In attendance: Brian Bickford, Community Health Link, Nathan Guevremont, UMass, Dave Modzelewski, Network, Jerry Ray, Mental Health Association, Pamela Schwartz, Network, Jennifer Wuest, Behavioral Health Network, Chris Zabik, DMH, Heather Zaykowski, UMass Boston

Evaluation Update (Heather):
Please click here for the latest evaluation report.  We are now closing out Year 3 (September 30). We are meeting our goals for follow-up with 90% of clients housed. A few new people enrolled at Soldier On. Heather compiled data for David Smelson for presentation to funders, which Nate will pass on to us FYI. With the approval for a no-cost extension, we have additional time to provide services. A final report is due 90 days after the end of the grant, so final evaluation will come with the end of the extension.

UMass Update (Nate):
Confirmed no-cost extension until end of February. This is for the continuation of services, not new enrollments. This time period will enable providers to have better and more thorough closure with clients.

Behavioral Health Network (Jennnifer):
Winding down. Working with 14 active clients, about 4-5 discharges will occur within the next week, reducing the client load significantly. The team is feeling positive about successes. Still no word about funding for Mission West 2.

Community Health Link (Brian):
Also winding down with 10 active clients. Transitioning them off of services. Almost all are going smoothly. A few challenges.

Network (Pamela and Dave):
Pamela reported on the Housing Option Tool (HOT), a major by-product of this grant; that it is a tool in the regional implementation of the coordinated intake and assessment process to ensure “best fits” for housing options for homeless individuals. Integration of this tool for housing providers is underway. Dave reported on his interview by UMass staff re: broader perspectives on this project. He also announced the region’s Housing First conference – to learn latest best practices and more – on October 16 at Holyoke Community College. You can register at

We agreed we would meet again in November. Pamela will poll the group for best meeting dates and times.






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