Next meeting date and important referral information:
Wednesday, March 14
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Frost Building, Barrett Room, Room 301A
Holyoke Community College
(Note: Our usual space in Donahue was not available; follow signs for the Frost Building and because it’s spring break parking in the visitor parking right outside of Frost should not be a problem. The Barrett Room is on the first floor as you enter the building.)
Important updates on referral information for youth housing/services:
Domus Inc Westfield youth housing – 10 units in a single site for unaccompanied youth up to age 25. They must have independent living skills and be engaged in a job or schooling. Contact Connie at 413-568-4494 with referrals.
CHD Safety Zone – New funding for 5 transitional housing scattered site units for unaccompanied homeless youth under the age of 22. Must have independent living skills and in process of obtaining employment or education. Can have children; can self-refer. Contact Jean Rogers at 413-781-6556 or [email protected] with referrals.
Gandara Center SHINE program – New funding for additional rapid re-housing support (up to 12 months). 2-3 additional scattered site units will be available. Can self-refer. Call Mark Watkins at SHINE at 413-654-1554.
Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Meeting Minutes – 2/14/18
In attendance: Peter Cofoni, DCF, Emily English, Gandara Center, Rosemary Fiedler, HCC, Lisa Goldsmith, DIAL/SELF, Charlie Knight, former consumer, Ann Lentini, Domus, Gerry McCafferty, City of Springfield/Hampden CoC, Juan Rivera, DYS, Jean Rogers, CHD, Pamela Schwartz, Network
HUD Demonstration Project: HUD is requesting proposals for the next phase of its Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project. Only CoCs can apply. Hampden County is applying, Three Count is not. Hampden County applied in the previous funding cycle last year and scored just shy of the funding level. We are in a good position to apply again and will address some of the identified gaps. If selected, HUD will provide TA to create a youth plan over a 4 month period which will then propose funding specific projects. Selected communities will be funded a minimum of $1 million over a 2 year period (with the potential for continued funding through renewal funds). 11 grants will be awarded across the country; 5 must be from rural areas. Competition will be fierce. Due date is April 17.
In support of the proposal (and consistent with planning regardless of funding), Gerry plans to facilitate a needs assessment over the next 2 months which will produce an analysis of available units in relation to youth housing needs, e.g., analysis of disabilities, ability to live independently in general, number of unaccompanied youth and pregnant and parenting youth.
In the last PIT count, tentative findings show there were 26 unaccompanied youth, 2 living unsheltered (in an abandoned building) and 81 young parents with 101 children.
Gerry will also be working with Rebeca Muller on the formation of a Youth Advisory Board.
Rosemary noted that she will be able to provide data on students at HCC facing homelessness.
Housing updates:
Domus Inc Westfield housing – 10 units in a single site for unaccompanied youth up to age 25. They must have independent living skills and be engaged in a job or schooling. Contact Connie at 413-568-4494 with referrals.
CHD Safety Zone – New funding for 5 transitional housing scattered site units for unaccompanied homeless youth under the age of 22. Must have independent living skills and in process of obtaining employment or education. Can have children; can self-refer. Contact Jean Rogers at 413-781-6556 or [email protected] with referrals.
Gandara Center SHINE program – New funding for additional rapid re-housing support (up to 12 months). 2-3 additional scattered site units will be available. Can self-refer. Call Mark Watkins at SHINE at 413-654-1554.
Coordinated entry: Gerry reported that Hampden County’s expanded online data system is now collecting data from agencies beyond CoC funded (e.g., sheriff’s department, hospitals). Gerry is also reaching out to agencies that serve youth to enter assessment information so young people’s housing needs can also be prioritized in relation to housing vacancies.
Discussion of DCF/DMH silo challenge: there are 2 young people who are homeless and struggling with developmental issues but cannot get DMH eligibility because DCF cannot release information on them (not currently in their custody but have previous records that are relevant to determining their eligibility). Gerry is working with the DCF regional director to try to resolve this.
Gerry is interested in obtaining any other information around system gaps so they can be addressed in this upcoming application.
Ann noted that in general there is a gap in mental health services resulting from agencies merging and cutting back services. Clients are losing their mental health services with nothing to replace them. We need to address this.
Next meeting date: Wed., March 14, 1:30-3:00 pm, Rosemary will check on space.