Family services meeting minutes of 2/13/18
In attendance: Shelly Benoit, BHN, Anthia Elliott, Safe Passage, Holly Florek, CHD, Fran Lemay, ServiceNet/Greenfield Family Inn, Jane Lindfors, DTA/DV unit, Heather Marshall, Elizabeth Freeman Center, Michelle Michaelian, BHN, Kathy Moss, BHN, Donna Nadeau, DHCD, Stephen Plummer, Springfield Partners for Community Action, Jenni Pothier, MHA/TPP, Pamela Schwartz, Network, Tonya Sparks, WomanShelter, Janna Teatrault, Community Action, Janette Vigo, Way Finders, Lauren Voyer, Way Finders, Melissa White, Valley Opportunity Council

DHCD Data Report on Family Homelessness

We reviewed the data provided by DHCD (click here).  We recognized the limits of the shelter entry and exit data including all transfers (e.g., internally from shelter to scattered site) for gaining an accurate sense of the in-flow and out-flow.  Donna Nadeau offered instead to provide us her monthly report that she receives from providers that summarizes # of placements into housing.  Our family providers present also said they could easily provide the # of referrals into shelter. DV providers also agreed to provide their monthly shelter numbers as well (these are not available via DHCD but are crucial in terms of the overall view of family homelessness for the region). CHD will also provide its DHCD front door diversion numbers as well.
The group agreed that it would provide this information at the next family services meeting and we would keep evaluating what it means to acquire meaningful data in order to evaluate our progress.
Network “future course” meeting debrief:
The Network hosted a Network-wide meeting on 2/12 to review initial findings based on our consultant’s interviews of roughly 40 people and 25 organizations across the Network.  Click here for summary of findings and recommendations.  The meeting on the 12th provided a chance to further share reflections and recommendations.  Committee members who attended noted that it was a great chance to connect with the wider Network beyond the family services committee (and to register its breadth) and to have a meaningful dialogue towards how best to allocate Network resources.  Pamela reported that this meeting’s input will be utilized at the upcoming Leadership Council meeting on 2/28 where recommendations around future structure and focus will be decided upon.
Homelessness Resource Fair:
We officially launched our planning process for this region-wide Resource Fair which is scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 14, 9 am – 1 pm.  We decided upon the planning task force: Holly Florek, Jane Lindfors, Janna Teatrault, Janette Vigo.  Pamela will be in touch with them to schedule a planning call.  And we will plan to report back an initial outline for the day at our next Family Services Meeting.
Network earmark funding:
Pamela reported that the Network’s earmark of $125K was released and is being allocated equally across both CoC’s to direct financial assistance for youth and rapid re-housing. Stay tuned for an email outlining more detailed allocation of funding and who and how to contact providers to access it.
RAFT: Lauren announced that as of 3/1 there will be $250K in RAFT funding available for individuals (elderly, disabled, unaccompanied youth). Similar funding will be available in Franklin and Berkshire Counties as well. Pamela will send out a reminder notice on this immediately in advance of the 3/1 release date.
Community Action Tax Filing Assistance. Janna reminded everyone that Community Action offers tax filing help (as does Springfield Partners).  Please relay info and urge people to call ASAP to schedule appointments as they are filling up.
Due in 3 weeks.
Next meeting date: Tuesday, 3/13, 1 pm – 2:30 pm.  Kittredge Center, Room 301, Holyoke Community College

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