Below is a message from Anthony Love, Deputy Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness.  Please read on and provide your feedback!

In its November 3, 2010 meeting, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness charged member agencies and USICH staff to develop a plan to identify and remove barriers to mainstream programs for homeless and precariously-housed Veterans and their families. In response to the Administration’s goal to prevent and end Veterans homelessness by 2015, the plan will identify priority areas for action in key agencies, focusing on strategies that can be implemented in the short term with existing authority and resources.  The objective of the project is to increase awareness about available benefits and services, debunk common myths about eligibility requirements, and ensure Federal programs complement one another to meet the needs of our Veterans.

Your input is critical to understanding the barriers that exist.  To help gather insights and suggestions, we have launched a new interactive website at  In addition to providing your comments and ideas, you can also vote and comment on the suggestions offered by others. This voting mechanism will help us understand which barriers are viewed as most significant and how to focus our efforts as we move forward with the project.

The site will be open during a two week window, starting Thursday, December 2, 2010 and ending Thursday, December 16, 2010.

We encourage you to forward this opportunity to your colleagues and clients so they too can have a voice in this process. Please note that users will need to provide basic registration information in order to submit their responses. If you have any questions about the online site, please direct them to [email protected].

We look forward to your input, and thank you again for your participation.



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