Steering Committee Meeting, 3/3/11

In attendance:  Father Stan Aksamit, Our Lady of Peace Parish, Jane Banks, Center for Human Development, Dave Christopolis, BCAC, David Gadaire, Career Point, Erica Johnson, PVPC, Peg Keller, City of Northampton, Jay Levy, Elliot CHS-Homeless Services, Gerry McCafferty,  C ity of Springfield, Andrea Miller, Center for Human Development, Pamela Schwartz, network coordinator, Suzanne Smith, data analyst, Lynne Wallace, Dietz&Co. Architects

Review of EA reform and Network position:  While supportive of legislation, Network will continue (via Family Services Committee) to advocate for best protection possible for families

PVPC update: Reviewed revenues and expenditures in close-out of grant.  Agreed that Brien Center – with significant outstanding balance  – should be given deadline for invoice submission  by March 15th.  Erica will call to communicate; Pamela will follow-up with email.  Lynne will write a letter to Brien Center CEO regarding issues with contract.

Preparing for transition to UWPV over 4-6 week period (allowing for grant close-out processes).

Dave Christopolis announcement:  leaving his position at BCAC, accepted new position as executive director at Hilltown CDC.  Congratulations, Dave!  Raises question of Dave’s service on Steering Committee (since represented Berkshire CoC), will address as by-laws process unfolds; can clearly continue to serve on LC since Hilltown CDC has a spot.  On the issue of Berkshire COC representation, Dave did it partly in-kind; no other support. Network could assist in trying to sort out next steps for Berkshire CoC. Berkshire Comm Action Council is the lead agency for CoC and is mandated to provide coordination.

By-laws discussion: Dave Gadaire shared outcomes from sub-group – Liz, Andrea, Suzanne, Lynne, Peg and Charlie.   Overall goal is to clarify roles, make network as functional as possible; use the resources of its members as wisely as possible.  Recommends:

creation of new Management Team (operations):  LC chair, 3 CoC chairs, network coordinator.  This team is charged with:  operational decision-making, budget oversight, implementation of the strategic plan, media messaging.  Works as triage team when short turn-around and quick  decision making are required.

Steering Committee (strategic planning):  charged with: budget development, establishment of policy, procedure, practices; community engagement/education and outreach, prioritization of needs within region, review of funding opportunities

Leadership Council (mission and vision):  Charged with: adherence to mission and values; approval of by-laws; community engagement/education and outreach; ongoing messaging.

Management team is day-to-day operations; steering offers larger strategic vision.

All agreed that further fleshing out of by-laws and roles requires larger vision/strategy building.  Agreed to hold a retreat for this purpose:

March 31, 10 am – 1 pm, Northampton Senior Center. Sub-group will seek an outside facilitator.

A huge thanks to the by-laws sub-group for the tremendous work on building the future of the Network!

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